A heartfelt thank you on paper shows how much you care.
The article is brought to you by Zazzle. Use code ZAZZLESPROUT to get 20% off all thank you cards before March 27th, 2017
The Jewish holiday of Purim has a fun commandment: the mishloach manot obligation to send a meal to someone else to help them enjoy the holiday too.
While you're only required to send one meal to one other person, you'll usually send to more. For example, this year we sent out wrapped plates of food and drink to 5 friends and neighbors.
In a class at my synagogue, the rabbi told how his family take it much further: they draw up a list of people to thank for something over the past year and then send them all care packages on Purim, turning it into a general People Appreciation Day.
Where they really take it to the next level is that they include a handwritten thank you letter with each package. The rabbi remembered that one person was so touched by this, the thank you note they received was still sitting out on a table at their home months after the holiday.
Handwritten thank you notes go a long way.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.(If you voted No, why didn't you send thank you letters? Tell us in the comments)
In a followup book based on his famous Last (college) Lecture before dying from pancreatic cancer, Professor Randy Pausch explained that:
Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things human beings can do for each other. And despite my love of efficiency, I think that thank-you notes are best done the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper.
Job interviewers and admissions officers see lots of applicants. They read tons of resumes from “A” students with many accomplishments. But they do not see many handwritten thank-you notes. If you are a B+ student, your handwritten thank-you note will raise you at least a half-grade in the eyes of a future boss or admissions officer. You will become an “A” to them. And because handwritten notes have gotten so rare, they will remember you.
This student took that advice seriously:
Saw this on my student's Final Exam. This makes it worth every last drop of effort
A recruiter's take on thank you letters
It's a job search clichΓ© that you should send thank you cards or notes, if even just a short email after job interviews.
But as a job seeker, it's so easy to feel that it's all a waste of time and effort.
Why thank someone who's just going to reject you? Besides, they're going to see many other candidates either way, right?
Is a small note really going to make a difference?
The article is brought to you by Zazzle. Use code ZAZZLESPROUT to get 20% off all thank you cards before March 27th, 2017
More on thank you letters
- The Best Interview Thank You Letter I’ve Ever Received
- How to Write a Job Phone Interview Thank You Note: 4 Examples
- 5 “thank you” letters you should be sending to your network
33 Unique Items Sent To Recruiters by Job Seekers
Bonus: Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
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