Thursday, 6 July 2017

📧 Awesome Email Subject Lines Job Seekers Are Using For Results

How job seekers should send resumes to recruiters over email.

Awesome Email Subject Lines Job Seekers Are Using For Results

Photo credit: Jeric Santiago

One of the most common job seeker frustrations is not getting a response when submitting a resume to recruiters. But for recruiters to respond in a meaningful way, they first need to read your messages. With that in mind, what can you do to improve your email's chances of getting read?

I contacted recruiters following me on Twitter to ask: “Of all email you've ever had from job seekers, which had the best title?”

They came through in a big way, sharing dozens of memorable, occasionally funny, subject lines that got their attention and piqued their curiosity to the point where they had to keep reading.

Bookmark and share this list, but above all, start using it as a template for your own email messages to companies.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Free bonus: Download a PDF version of this article to use as a handy reference.

70+ best sample subject lines for job application emails

Montreal Recruiter, @mindhr: I think the best subject title was “Demanding work!”.
andrea clarkson avatar Andrea Faye Clarkson, @AndreaFClarkson: My personal favorite is “Your Next Hire.” I've seen it a few times and I always respect the confidence that is exuded through that tagline.
gavin walford wright avatar Gavin Walford-Wright, @walfordwright: The best was simply: “I've done my research
 You need me!”
melissa lynne avatar Melissa Lynne, @melissa_mlynne: “John Doe – The Best New Addition to Your Team”
ken taylor avatar Ken Taylor, @citrixrecruiter: “Superstar looking for new challenges and opportunities.”
nader-mowlaee-avatar Nader Mowlaee, @headhuntingclub: I had a guy who said “I'm different” in the title
david-bradford-avatar David Bradford, @DavidBradford: The title of an email I received one time read: “From the World's Greatest Salesperson” – That one I had to open and read.
rubicon-consulting-avatar Rubicon Consulting, @Rubiconrecruit: “You need me as a candidate!” by a C# programmer
praveen it recruiter avatar praveen IT Recruiter, @praveenendla02: “I am looking for opportunities, keep me in mind.”
francesca arcuri avatar Francesca Arcuri, @p2pFrancesca: “Hello
 is it me you're looking for?”
malcolm louth avatar Malcolm Louth, @MalcolmLouth: “You've won the lottery: I'm available immediately.”
chris russell avatar Chris Russell, @chrisrussell: It was something like “I should be your next Sales Executive”
team tcg avatar Team TCG, @TeamTCG: “Reaching out to my network”
team tcg avatar Team TCG, @TeamTCG: “HR exec looking for next role”
team tcg avatar Team TCG, @TeamTCG: “Award-winning HR pro seeking opportunities”
genesis hr solutions avatar Genesis HR Solutions, @MyGenesisHR: “How can I make a contribution at Genesis HR Solutions?”
genesis hr solutions avatar Genesis HR Solutions, @MyGenesisHR: “I am highly motivated, hard working and really interested in your internship position.”
sandra jackson avatar Sandra A Jackson, @SandraJTResumes: They all seem to just put, “Need help with my resume.” And I eagerly open it.
new to hr avatar New To HR, @NewToHR: “12 Things You Didn't Know About Chris.”
new to hr avatar New To HR, @NewToHR: “Don't Miss Out On This Opportunity To Hire Me. I Am Just A Phone Call Away”
new to hr avatar New To HR, @NewToHR: “You were looking for that People person
 Well, Here I Am Really Human!”
new to hr avatar New To HR, @NewToHR: “Would hiring Peter help with your team and business goals? Available now.”
new to hr avatar New To HR, @NewToHR: “9 Reasons why you should move forward with me as your new talent Manager. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-Lori”
andrea cornez avatar AndrĂ©a Cornez, @AndreaCornez: “you have the job I'm looking for :-)”
kathleen teixeira avatar Kathleen Teixeira, @KathleenToronto: The best email subject lines are clear and concise. “Resume – Coordinator, PR”. Anything that seems like spam will get filtered there. Something that doesn't sound like a resume or application I don't read.
rory trotter jr avatar Rory C. Trotter Jr., @RoryCTrotterJr: The best? “Hiring me will change your company because
” I had to click it. 🙂
heidi bannister avatar Heidi Bannister, @ArthurEdwardRec: 
 mention being “recommended by [trusted name]” 
 have a role reference number 
 or include “champagne and cupcakes”. I'll know they've researched our web site!!
lara haskins 360hr avatar Lara Haskins 360HR, @LaraHaskins: Recruiting for interns, “Some people want to be rock stars, some people want to be superstars, but all I want is to work for XXX”
gail tolstoi miller avatar Gail Tolstoi-Miller, @GailTolstoiMill: when they do research on my website best ones are “I am addicted to Diet Pepsi too” or “I hate self-proclaimed experts too” they took time
laura merkle avatar Laura Merkle, @LauraMerkle: The best email title always explains the skills of the candidate. In other words a good example is “John Doe Project Manager”.
patricia sinacole avatar Patricia H Sinacole, @psinacole: It is not that cool but “[firstname] [lastname] – [opportunity of interest]”. Example – “Jane Doe – CEO”
shay clinch avatar Shay Clinch, @ChezShay13: Why you should employee mewhy you should employee me
jeff battinus avatar Jeff Battinus, @jeffbattinus: “Interested in being a value add for [company]”.
kirk baumann avatar Kirk Baumann, @kbaumann: “Make a Great Decision Before Your 2nd Cup of Coffee: Hire Me (Here's Why)” Still sticks with me!
melva avatar Melva, @thecareercoach: Two of them/: Subject Line: (1) Hey Miss Lady (2) My Mom Said To Contact You
amy mcgeachy avatar Amy McGeachy, @AMcGeachy: Goodness, I can't say there has been a ‘best' title. I can tell you the worst is ‘hire me'. I'm selfish, I want to know what's in it for me. ‘Hire me' does nothing to tell me if a candidate is a fit for the job. So, I guess the best one would tell me a bit about the person
 title, certification, etc. that would entice me to open their resume.
david oliver avatar David Oliver, @ldavidoliver: Probably one of the best subject titles I have received was, “Your Next Great Sales Hire – I'll Show You Why”. Really got my attention.
cody mcclelland avatar Cody McClelland, @TechRecruiterIT: I'm a sucker for good subject lines. “How much does a polar bear weigh?” And then in the email they quipped “enough to break the ice”
jeffrey shapiro avatar Jeffrey W Shapiro, @JeffreyWShapiro: “Confidentially: I work for your direct competitor”
jeffrey shapiro avatar Jeffrey W Shapiro, @JeffreyWShapiro: “I only need 3 minutes of your time”
jeffrey shapiro avatar Jeffrey W Shapiro, @JeffreyWShapiro: “What my resume doesn't tell you”
claudia lucio avatar Claudia Lucio, @RecruitingGeek: “I'm Your Next Superstar; here's why.” Subject lines like this might pique the curiosity of a recruiter.
stephan von malortie avatar Stephan von Malortie, @vonmalortie: I could say what would raise my interest: “Put me in a team rather than an interview”.
hr chick avatar HR Chickℱ, @HRCultureClub: “Passionate, Leadership, Superwoman Extraordinaire”. Caught my attention 🙂
shannon pritchett avatar Shannon Pritchett, @SourcingShannon: “Hi, it's me, your LinkedIn friend”
steven davis avatar Steven G. Davis, @Recruit4u: “Will do anything for my boss”
steven davis avatar Steven G. Davis, @Recruit4u: “I was valedictorian of my class” – a couple all-time bests!!
sean koppelman avatar Sean Koppelman, @talentmagnet: “Rare Talent Requires Exceptional Representation”. It was eye-catching, distinguished the job seeker + played to my ego. All of which made me curious to open the attached resume.
francois guay avatar Francois Guay, @GuayFrancois: “Results Guaranteed”, followed by a cover letter for a specific opportunity & a targeted resume with examples of success.
monica bua avatar Monica Bua, @monica_bua: I will give you my immediate no's which are: “seeking employment”, “looking for opportunities”, etc. It's best to call out a connection immediately like “Fellow Anderson Alumnus” or “Sandy Gould suggested we connect”. Finally the other strategy that works well is to have someone in common introduce and recommend a candidate. That recommendation will merit a quicker response.
erica dionn wright avatar Erica Dionn Wright, @Ewright1285: “Head Sales of Poultry” “Evil Genius” “Cat Herder / Maxwell's Demon” “Professional Dreamer” “Arkitecht” “Juggler” “Escape Artist” “Heretic” “Code Janitor” “Mad Scientist” “Company Psychic”. Just to name a few.
charlie judy avatar Charlie Judy, SPHR, @HRFishbowl: “Why You'll Work for Me Someday”. For real. General Counsel role.
matt buckland avatar Matt Buckland, @ElSatanico: From a digital marketer: “See Why This Growth Hacker Could Be The One For You, In Just 30 Seconds”
chad laskey avatar Chad Laskey, @ChadLaskey: A fancy title doesn't grab me – with the email a recruiter gets and has to manage, less is more – “Seeking _____ jobs in _____ ” is GREAT, and a direct letter, a decent resume, and your availability to connect is the best way to get the attention of a GOOD recruiter. If you're trying to be witty or clever, or to write something outlandish to get the email opened, it might not always translate well
ibro palic avatar Ibro Palic, @ibro_palic: “For Ibro; referred by [firstname] [lastname]” It's the first one I opened that day, the guy didn't make it but I gave him a shot.
gail houston avatar Gail Houston, @ghouston: This is one of my favs, tells me who they are, what they want and why open: “John Doe Product Manager from Amazon, Bay Area applying for #####”
Wesley Madziva Wesley Madziva, @WeszMadz: “Unemployed Graduate seeking Employment”
CFM Recruitment CFM Recruitment, @CFMRecruitment: ‘I don't think outside the box, because for me there is no box' 😀 Profile of a Marketing Executive for a role we advertised.
Paul Freed Paul Freed, @paultalks: Cute doesn't work. I want to see a one-line resume: name + title + past companies.

Bonus: what not to do

Martin Dangerfield avatar Martin Dangerfield, @MDangerfield: “I know where you live” 
from a recruiter person who as it turned out did know where I lived along with a bunch of other information.
marysimmonshr-avatar mary simmons, @marysimmonshr: “I need a job please hire me!” I try to caution job seekers not to act desperate but this one missed the memo

Bonus 2: when recruiters email you

Daniela Borquez Daniela Borquez, @Dani_Borquez: I recruit a lot on LinkedIn and what I've found out is that not mentioning the company in the title has a high response [from candidates] for executive level positions. Titles such us “Executive Director, Digital” or “Media Sales Manager” make people curious. For younger crowds, I've experimented with something like “It's time to boost your career!” without much success as simply “sales account executive”

Question of the article
Which email subject line has worked best for you? Share it with us here in the comments for the benefit of other job seekers.

READ NEXT: 📧 How To: The Job Seeker’s Attention-Getting Email Signature

Bonus watch: How To Get Attention With Your Email Job Application

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